With 30 years experience across a a wide range of businesses and industries I have a passion for solving complex problems (opportunities) while supporting personal and business growth.
Specific capabilities include:
- Translating strategy into action off the back of challenging and complex problems. Ensuring that we are addressing the right problem, is critical, and my curious nature coupled with inquisitive questioning will help to identify the real opportunities.
- My love of learning and desire to develop deeper knowledge in a wide range of areas supports my inquisitiveness.
- Personal and organisational change with an innate ability to engage and support teams as they work through growth and development opportunities.
- Assimilation of large amounts of data, while maintaining a high level of curiosity, ensuring that broader questions are asked, therefore allowing a wide range of opportunities / ideas to be considered.
- Envisaging the future and assisting with the translation of that vision into strategic and tactical plans which are then able to be executed to realise the value is a strong area of interest.
- The use of technology for business improvements and efficiency. esnuring real business value is delivered.