Fast forwarding 10 years from research I previously had started looking at Optimism and the New Venture Creation Process……
In 2011 I wrote an academic paper entitled Entrepreneur Optimism and the New Venture Creation Process with my colleague and friend Dr Amanda Gudmundsson. Despite this being published and was also a topic that I presented at two conferences, a change in career direction meant it was neglected and ultimately forgotten. The time feels right to update it and this blog serves to support that process.
- The P/PC BalanceGoing back and reading books from ones past is a great exercise especially if there has been a significant time gap between reads. That gap will also mean that you […]
- Longpath – connecting the past to the futureI came across a recently published book by Ari Wallach called Longpath, which he describes in the title as “an antidote for Short-Terminism”. A great summary of the book can […]
- Optimism & the New Venture Creation Process…In 2011 I wrote an academic paper entitled Entrepreneur Optimism and the New Venture Creation Process with my colleague and friend Dr Amanda Gudmundsson. This was published in the Journal […]
- Social Media DistancingWith so much news available, sorting fact from fiction is a real challenge. The term fake news’ despite it often being overused and misused by some well-recognsied people, does have […]
- The Power Inside UsHistory has proved that our species has evolved and developed in ways that no other species on the planet appears to have. from our early origins, the inane ability of […]
- An Offer of HelpThe events we currently face, mean that we all need to pull together and help each other. There are so many of us facing complete disruption to not only our […]
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