Being a New Zealander living in Australia is always interesting whenever there is a spoting event where both countries are competing against each other. Yesterdays world cup cricket final was no exception!

Having been asked on numerous occassions last week who I’d be supporting (despite me thinking at the time it was a silly question) caused me to reflect on what it means, and indeed who should I be supporting. It became even more bizarre when talking to one of my sons in NZ on the day of the match I inadvertently, and not just once, referred to Australia as the team I was supporting. Was my subconcious trying to tell me something?

The reality is that we choose to live in Australia and enjoy living here. Its deliberate that we do! We embrace everything that Australia has to offer and I would like to think that we do make a contribution to Australian society that is positive and plays a small part in its continued growth and development.

From a sporting point of view, what I have now realised is that I love the competition that exists between the two countries, and its now time for me to embrace both, in as much as I can. Who really cares if Australia wins, or indeed if NZ wins. Does it really matter? The point is that one of us does, and that in the process humility and great sportsmanship is exhibited. I trully was proud to be a kiwi when I watched the NZ teams reaction to South Africa following NZ’s win the WCC semi final. That’s mateship at its very best.

What should matter is that these two great countries, located signifcant distances away from the USA, Europe and Asia continue to demonstrate on the world stage their passion, skill and desire to perform at their very best, no matter what sport is being played. Furthermore, the depth of the passion from each teams respective supporters is a reason for us all to be proud of who we are and what we share.

I’ve maintained for some time that NZ would not be as sucessful as it has been had it not been for the close relationship that exists with Australia. I also beleive that the opposite is also true. Australia’s sucess is certainly contributed to by the thousands of kiwis who call Australia home.

With ANZAC day approaching it really is time to embrace the relationship that both nations have and focus on what it really means and what really matters. We have demonstrated and continue to do so that like all mates, we have each others back when it really does matters. Between times what wrong with good old fashioned banter especially when it occurs on and around the sporting ground?

Well done Australia for winning the Cricket World Cup. And well done the Blackcaps for once again showing that kiwis can take off and fly!